lamindb.core.datasets¶ Test collections. file_fcs() Example FCS artifact. file_fcs_alpert19([populate_registries]) FCS file from Alpert19. file_tsv_rnaseq_nfcore_salmon_merged_gene_counts([...]) Gene counts table from nf-core RNA-seq pipeline. file_jpg_paradisi05() Return jpg file example. file_tiff_suo22() Image file from Suo22. file_fastq([in_storage_root]) Mini mock fastq artifact. file_bam([in_storage_root]) Mini mock bam artifact. file_mini_csv([in_storage_root]) Mini csv artifact. dir_scrnaseq_cellranger(sample_name[, ...]) Generate mock cell ranger outputs. dir_iris_images() Directory with 3 studies of the Iris flower: 405 images & metadata. df_iris() The iris collection as in sklearn. df_iris_in_meter() The iris collection with lengths in meter. df_iris_in_meter_study1() The iris collection with lengths in meter. df_iris_in_meter_study2() The iris collection with lengths in meter. anndata_mouse_sc_lymph_node([...]) Mouse lymph node scRNA-seq collection from EBI. anndata_human_immune_cells([populate_registries]) Cross-tissue immune cell analysis reveals tissue-specific features in humans. anndata_pbmc68k_reduced() Modified from scanpy.collections.pbmc68k_reduced(). anndata_file_pbmc68k_test() Modified from scanpy.collections.pbmc68k_reduced(). anndata_pbmc3k_processed() Modified from scanpy.pbmc3k_processed(). anndata_with_obs() Create a mini anndata with cell_type, disease and tissue. anndata_suo22_Visium10X() AnnData from Suo22 generated by 10x Visium. mudata_papalexi21_subset() A subsetted mudata from papalexi21. schmidt22_crispra_gws_IFNG([basedir]) CRISPRi screen collection of Schmidt22. schmidt22_perturbseq([basedir]) Perturb-seq collection of Schmidt22. fake_bio_notebook_titles([n]) A fake collection of study titles.